ci for climate

Collective Intelligence Design for the Climate Crisis

Partnering with the United Nations Development Programme Accelerator Labs to design, test and scale collective intelligence initiatives towards climate adaptation and more equitable climate futures.

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cambodia group

Revolutionising how communities participate in public sector services in Cambodia

Working with UNDP Cambodia to enable communities to have a voice in the delivery of public services, creating grassroots mechanisms for improved communication between government and the people.

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housing aerial

Transforming Local Planning for the 21st Century

Partnering with MHCLG to transform local plans into standardised, digitally enabled process for faster and better planning.

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people walking in London

Putting People at the heart of Innovation: Transforming critical public services across Europe

A European Digital Innovation Initiative to improve public services for residents in 21 European Countries to transform one resident facing public service to deliver better outcomes.

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community workshop

Radical Civic Design: Creating experimental spaces to explore possible alternatives

Radical Spaces Lab is a participatory design project that delivers research and workshops focused around creating civic agency through investigative codesign and experimental methods.

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